Both outdoor and indoor, our technology can measure to the centimetre level.
No hidden extra volumes or holes that are not visible from ground level. Our tools see everything.
In many sectors, the end of the year equals a busy period of stock-taking. Our major construction partners also use the construction holidays to take stock.
The end of 2021 was at DroneDivision marked by 3 weeks of intensive measurements at various partners. Regular drone surveys already take place during the 4 quarters, but this year an additional challenge was added.
In addition to the traditional outdoor volume measurement with our drones, we have also carried out indoor measurements.
For this, we use specific technology that is not linked to drones.
Drones would cause too much dust and thus noise in the centimetre-precise scans.
In addition, together with a software partner, we have for the first time made it possible to carry out both indoor and outdoor volume measurements in 1 platform.
This makes the analyses and data:
Select the volumes, naming, reporting, etc. yourself.