Drone Division has been a trusted partner of major telecom companies for several years.
Our in-house experts provide 3 services to telecom companies that save time and increase security. Drone Division delivers flexibility, consistency and quality for Line of Sight inspections, 4G-to-5G Swap/Site Survey and State of Premise inspections.
We offer proven expertise for inspecting, assessing and documenting your sites with maximum benefit to you.

Line of sight
A quick and safe inspection with detailed identification of the most efficient direct path from transmitter to receiver, possible obstructions and minimum height.

Site survey
Our solution offers innovative Digital Twin technology and detailed imaging for site management and documentation.
✅ Digital site enabling millimetre-accurate measurements
✅ Enriched with images and annotations
✅ Always available online for your teams (24/7) avoiding site visits

State of premise
Our experts offer a comprehensive assessment of the health, structure and current status of your site; including high-resolution images, accurate measurements, technical evaluations and 3D scanning/Digital Twin technology.
Why choose Drone Division?
We offer fast INSPECTIONS with maximum security
Proprietary developed methodology and procedures ensure maximum data analysis, resulting in less time and cost on site, more safety and higher productivity.
🏋️ 0% downtime
👷🏽♂️ 100% worker safety
💥 up to 300% faster than regular inspections
🥂 200% less cost
MEASURE, analyse and manage
Our asset analysis provides critical information on site structure, health and dimensions. Customised data sets and 3D scanning technology significantly reduce your time and resources.
✅ Detailed identification and location data
✅ Millimetre-accurate measurements
✅ Custom data enrichment
✅ Available 24/7 to your team and stakeholders
REPORTING to your needs
Our automated reporting system enables fast decision-making with the added benefit of detailed export capabilities to your existing systems. All proven and used by top telecom companies for authorised asset management.
Team of experts at your service
👷🏽♂️ Technical inspection experts
📏 Architect with more than 20 years of telecom experience
🏅 Qualified for safety, climbing,…

Experience our extensive industry knowledge and experience. Drone Division understands the complexities of the telecom industry and can help you execute your projects efficiently and effectively. With our solutions, you can rely on a reliable and future-proof infrastructure for your telecom network.